
Latest News in San Jose, CA

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San Jose expands cleanup crew that employs homeless residents - San José Spotlight

San Jose has expanded its cleanup crew initiative, employing homeless residents to enhance the cleanliness of neighborhoods beyond the downtown area. This program aims not only to beautify the city but also to provide job opportunities for those experiencing homelessness.

San Jose mayor pulls endorsement of cop running for City Council

San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan has retracted his endorsement of Tam Truong, a City Council candidate and police officer, following charges of grand theft related to mortgage fraud. This decision highlights the complexities surrounding law enforcement figures entering local politics amidst legal controversies.

San José Spotlight: Your Source for Independent Local News

State lawmakers are expressing concern over San Jose officials' decision to change access to a Vietnamese cultural garden, raising questions about the control of city parks. This action has sparked political tensions within the Little Saigon community.

San Jose Police Sergeant and Council Candidate Placed on Leave Amid Fraud Allegations

San Jose police sergeant and City Council candidate Tam Truong has been placed on administrative leave due to allegations of mortgage fraud but intends to continue his campaign. Truong, who has two decades of law enforcement experience, is running against incumbent Domingo Candelas for the District 8 seat. The situation raises questions about the intersection of public service and legal accountability.

San Jose to Authorize Healthy Housing Grant for Low-Income Homeowners

The City of San Jose is set to authorize Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley to request Healthy Housing Production Grant funds to address substandard housing conditions for low-income homeowners. The initiative aims to provide rehabilitation assistance to create healthier living environments within the city limits.

Public Review Notice of Preparation: Heritage Oaks Memorial Park

The City of San José has announced the preparation of a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) for the Heritage Oaks Memorial Park Project, which involves the removal of trees and construction of various facilities on a hillside property. A public scoping meeting will be held via Zoom on September 23, 2024, to gather input from the community. Comments on the project are welcomed until October 7, 2024.

Viva CalleSJ “Parks to Roses" Route Returns This Sunday

The City of San José will host its final Viva CalleSJ event of 2024 this Sunday, inviting residents to enjoy car-free streets and participate in various activities. The "Parks to Roses" route will feature local parks and neighborhoods, promoting community engagement and wellness.

San Jose Department of Transportation Highlights School Safety Amid Tragic Student Death

The San Jose Department of Transportation mourns the loss of a student who was killed in a collision shortly after graduating from Bagby Elementary School. As students return to school, the department emphasizes safety measures for drivers and announces the upcoming International Walk/Bike to School Day on October 2nd.

Notice of CEQA Posting: 3464 Ambum Ave Residential Project RTC

The 3464 Ambum Avenue Residential Project in San José involves the redevelopment of a 2.59-acre site into four single-family residences, requiring the demolition of existing structures and removal of 39 trees. A public hearing is scheduled for September 11, 2024, to discuss the project further.

Public Review of First Amendment to Draft EIR for Kaiser Permanente San José Medical Center

The City of San José has announced the availability of the First Amendment to the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Kaiser Permanente San José Medical Center, which proposes the construction of a new hospital and other facilities. Public hearings are scheduled for September 11, 2024, and October 8, 2024, to discuss the project.

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