Suggest a name for 5-Acre Woods
The City of Lake Forest Park is actively seeking community input for naming a newly acquired park property, currently known as the 5-Acre Woods. The initiative aims to engage residents by inviting name suggestions that reflect the park’s geographical location, historical significance, and unique natural features. Submissions will be accepted until April 14, 2019, providing ample time for community members to contribute their ideas. After the submission period, volunteers from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will evaluate the suggestions using a point system based on the established criteria. A community vote will take place at the Arbor Day event on April 27, 2019, allowing attendees to choose from the top-ranked names.
This collaborative effort not only strengthens community ties but also honors individuals who have made significant contributions to local parks and recreation. The final recommendations will be presented to the City Council following a review in May. Such initiatives not only enhance local engagement but also ensure that the park's name resonates with the community's values and heritage.