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City Seeks Volunteer Civil Service Commissioner

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The City of Redmond is currently seeking applicants for a volunteer position on its Civil Service Commission, which is integral to the hiring and promotion processes for public safety roles, including police and firefighters. The commission acts as an appeal board for grievances filed by members of the Redmond Fire Department and Police Department, ensuring fair and transparent processes. Commissioners are expected to uphold state and local laws regarding civil service, including specific regulations outlined in [RCW 41. 08](https://app. leg.

wa. gov/RCW/default. aspx? cite=41. 08) for firefighters and [RCW 41.

12](https://app. leg. wa. gov/RCW/default. aspx?

cite=41. 12) for police. Meetings occur at 4:30 p. m. on the third Wednesday of each month, and additional special meetings may be called as necessary.

The city encourages community members to apply, emphasizing the importance of civic engagement in local governance. Interested candidates should visit [redmond. gov/1164](http://www. redmond. gov/1164) for more details regarding the application process and qualifications.

Although there is no official deadline for applications, the initial screening of candidates will be conducted by June 30, 2024. For more information, individuals can contact the Human Resources staff liaison via email or phone.

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