Notice of Application Windward Estates PW23-007 PW23-008
The City of Port Orchard has issued a public notice for the Windward Estates development proposal, which seeks to establish an 18-lot residential subdivision at 1912 Sidney Ave. This 3. 32-acre site will include essential infrastructure such as landscaping, streets, and utilities, alongside open space. The application requires a Major Land Disturbing Activity and Stormwater Drainage Permit, and interested parties can provide their comments until May 3, 2023. A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) was previously issued on January 10, 2022, with no appeals filed, indicating minimal environmental impact.
The public is invited to review the application file at the Permit Center, and inquiries can be directed to the City Engineer. This notice emphasizes the importance of community engagement in the development process, highlighting the rights of residents to comment and appeal decisions. The review will be conducted by the Public Works Director in accordance with Port Orchard Municipal Code. Timely feedback from the community is crucial for the successful consideration of the proposal.