NOA McCormick Woods Div 4 North Park PO Number PW24-032 PW24-033 - Port Orchard
The City of Port Orchard has announced a public notice regarding the development proposal for McCormick Woods Division 4 North Park, which will feature dual pickleball courts as part of an HOA park. The application, submitted on August 15, 2024, by Contour Engineering LLC, is under review for a Land Disturbing Activity Permit and a Storm Drainage Permit. Community engagement is encouraged through a public comment period that remains open until October 11, 2024, providing residents the opportunity to express their views on the project. The notice outlines the importance of adhering to deadlines, as late comments may not be considered. Additionally, residents can request notifications for any hearings or meetings and copies of decisions once made.
The application has been deemed technically complete, with a preliminary SEPA determination stating that no further environmental review is necessary. For questions or further clarification, residents are directed to contact the Permit Center. This development reflects the city's commitment to enhancing recreational facilities and engaging with community members in local decision-making processes.