WDFW Approves Six Days of Coastal Razor Clam Digs Beginning February 24
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has confirmed six days of razor clam digging on coastal beaches starting February 24, following successful marine toxin tests that deem the clams safe for consumption. Bryce Blumenthal, WDFW’s recreational razor clam manager, expressed optimism for favorable weather during this upcoming tide series. Diggers are encouraged to verify that their intended beaches are open, as not all locations permit digging. The designated digging times are set for late afternoon and evening low tides, with specific dates and times outlined for each day. Regulations state that diggers are limited to 15 clams per person, and all clams must be kept in separate containers to prevent waste.
Furthermore, anyone aged 15 or older must possess a valid fishing license to participate in clam digging activities. WDFW recommends purchasing licenses in advance due to high demand in coastal communities. For detailed information on marine toxins and current clam safety levels, the public can refer to WDFW’s resources.