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King Tides in Miami: Dates and Safety Precautions for 2024

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A King Tide is a higher-than-normal tide that typically lasts about 3 hours. King Tides occur annually and predictably; in September through November in Miami. King Tides may cause residents to experience "sunny day flooding" where a street or other areas will temporarily become flooded when it is not raining. High water levels caused by King Tides can cause flooding on streets or other areas near waterways and the coast. In addition, areas of the City at low elevation that are not coastal may also experience flooding during King Tides.

* September 16-22 * October 14-21 (season peak) * November 13-18 King Tide Safety Tips * Floodwater may contain unseen hazards such as trash and pollutants picked up from the environment, pets, wildlife, broken glass and other debris. Do not enter floodwater and do not allow children to play in floodwater. If you or your children come into contact with floodwater, be sure to clean skin with soap and hot water. * King Tides can be observed 1. 5-2 hours before and after peak times.

* Driving through floodwater is not advisable. Do not drive through floodwater as it may be deeper than it appears, and unseen debris could cause flat tires. * Do not park your vehicle in low lying areas. Vehicles that have come into contact with floodwater should be checked and cleaned. * Boaters should be aware that King Tides can cause lower clearance levels than normal under fixed bridges.

* Properties in low lying areas should use flood mitigation options such as sand bags, etc. * Report King Tides in your neighborhood using [ISeeChange](https://www. iseechange. org/posts/create? partner=miami-flooding?

ref=miami-web). Remember to drain and cover. King Tide flooding, when it occurs, typically lasts about 3 hours, with 1. 5 hours of flood occurring before and then after the peak tide time. Use the peak tide times below to take any necessary precautions to protect yourself and your property.

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