City of West Hollywood Invites Community Members to Participate in Upcoming WeHo 40 ‘Shaping Our Future’ Virtual Community Meeting
The City of West Hollywood is set to host a virtual community meeting on July 29, 2024, from 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. via Zoom, inviting residents to contribute to the _WeHo 40_ strategic plan.
This meeting represents the final opportunity for community members to provide feedback and insights on the city’s future policies and priorities. Attendees will be able to review draft elements of the plan, share their experiences, and discuss their ideas. This initiative is part of a broader effort to create an inclusive and equitable roadmap for West Hollywood, reflecting nearly 40 years of municipal history. The _WeHo 40_ strategic planning process aims to engage residents, local businesses, and community members in shaping the city’s aspirations through 2040. Previous strategic plans, such as _Vision 2020_, engaged over 250 community members and significantly influenced the city’s mission and core values.
Participants in the upcoming meeting will have the chance to interact with project team members, who will collect feedback and address any questions. Interested individuals can RSVP in advance to ensure their participation in this important community discussion.