View Exciting New Works By Five Los Angeles Artists at COLA 2024
COLA 2024 is set to be a vibrant exhibition featuring the works of five prominent Los Angeles artists: Jane Brucker, Mariah Garnett, Janna Ireland, Debra Scacco, and Bari Ziperstein. Each artist will present a unique blend of creative expressions, including ceramics, sculpture, photography, video, painting, and drawing, demonstrating their versatility and innovative approaches to art. The exhibition is part of the City of Los Angeles's Independent Master Artist Project (COLA IMAP) grants, aimed at supporting the local art scene. Visitors can experience the exhibition at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery located in Barnsdall Park from May 18 to July 20, 2024. The opening reception on May 18 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.
m. is free, inviting the community to engage with the artists and their works. This event not only highlights the significance of local artists but also contributes to the cultural fabric of Los Angeles. The exhibition promises to be a dynamic showcase of contemporary art, reflecting the diversity and creativity of the city's artistic community. Attendees can anticipate an enriching experience that celebrates the power of visual art.