
Capital Area Regional Public Facilities District Board Overview

Lacey, WALocal News

The Capital Area Regional Public Facilities District (PFD) was established in 2003 as a municipal corporation to facilitate the financing of public facilities in Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater, and Thurston County. It specifically allocates 0. 033% of the state’s sales tax revenue to support the development of regional event centers, such as Lacey’s Regional Athletic Complex and Olympia’s Hands On Children’s Museum. This funding, authorized by RCW 82. 14.

390, aims to stimulate local economic growth through the construction of public facilities. The PFD distributes revenues based on an interlocal agreement, placing the responsibility for project management and maintenance with Lacey and Olympia. A seven-member board oversees the PFD, with members appointed by local elected officials from each jurisdiction, ensuring a diverse representation of regional interests. The board meets annually to review financial statements and maintain transparency with the public regarding fund utilization. The tax will cease twenty-five years after its initiation, emphasizing the need for effective financial governance.

This model of public financing reflects a commitment to community engagement and economic development in the region.

Read original article here.

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