PAC Sends Mailer On Everett City Council Candidate With False Information Linking
A recent mailer from the Affordable Housing Council regarding Everett City Council District 5 candidate Ben Zarlingo has sparked controversy due to its misleading implications linking it to MyEverettNews. com. The news outlet promptly clarified that it does not endorse candidates and that the statements attributed to it in the mailer were never published. Zarlingo expressed surprise upon learning about the mailer, confirming that he had no prior knowledge or involvement in its creation, which he noted could be considered a campaign contribution if he had. MyEverettNews.
com is actively seeking answers from both Zarlingo and the Affordable Housing Council regarding the mailer's legitimacy. Other candidates have reported similar discrepancies in their own campaign materials, which referenced statements from MyEverettNews. com without proper context. This situation emphasizes the critical importance of integrity and accuracy in political communications, especially in the lead-up to elections. MyEverettNews.
com plans to contact the Public Disclosure Commission and state election officials to address the falsehoods portrayed in the mailer. The incident serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by local news outlets in maintaining credibility amidst political campaigning.