City Curbside Debris Collection Begins Monday
Beginning August 17, 2020, at 6:00 a. m. , the City of Des Moines will implement curbside collection for storm-related tree debris, responding to significant damage from a recent storm. Residents must adhere to specific guidelines, such as placing branches parallel to the curb and ensuring they do not exceed 18 inches in diameter or eight feet in length. Public Works Director Jonathan Gano acknowledged the severity of the situation and requested patience from the community, as the collection will span several weeks.
To facilitate efficient collection, city crews will utilize an app to track cleared streets and will only stop by each residence once. For smaller debris, residents are encouraged to use the Metro Waste Authority's Compost-It! program, while private contractors must handle their own tree debris. The city has also scheduled a SCRUB event for residents to dispose of additional storm-related waste. For ongoing updates, residents can monitor the collection process through the city's website.
Questions and concerns can be directed to the Public Works Customer Service Center, available 24 hours a day.