DMFDs Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program Brings Innovative, Proactive Approach To Resident Healthcare
The Des Moines Fire Department (DMFD) has launched its Mobile Integrated Healthcare program in response to the growing trend of non-emergency 911 calls, which have increased by 5-7% annually. This innovative initiative aims to provide proactive healthcare, focusing on high-volume callers who frequently rely on emergency services. In 2022, DMFD transported 82 individuals to hospitals a staggering 1,450 times, highlighting the need for a more sustainable approach to healthcare. The Mobile Integrated Healthcare team conducts in-home health checks, safety assessments, and connects residents with community resources to address their healthcare needs holistically. By fostering relationships and understanding the root causes of frequent calls, the program seeks to create effective solutions without overburdening emergency services.
Additionally, the team actively engages with vulnerable populations, such as those experiencing homelessness, to provide necessary healthcare checks and support. The initiative has already shown promising results, with positive feedback from residents and improved healthcare outcomes reported. Through these efforts, DMFD is not only enhancing the quality of life for its residents but also alleviating the strain on the emergency response system.