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Council Roundup: Comprehensive Plan update discussed

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On Tuesday, the City Council discussed the 2024-2044 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update recommended by the Planning Commission. After more than two years of outreach and development, staff recently completed this update to one of the city’s foundational documents. The council voted to hold an additional discussion session at the council meeting on Sept. 24 to give the public more time to review the final proposed elements of the plan document. Land use code updates will begin after the council adopts the policies in the Comprehensive Plan Update.

The Comprehensive Plan serves as the foundation for all other plans in Bellevue. This update includes a growth strategy for the next 20 years and aligns the plan with the Council Vision as well as state, regional and county requirements. It builds on the city’s current vision for growth and increases housing options in Bellevue. Staff gave an overview of the process followed to develop the update over the last two years, including extensive community engagement. The council discussed the Eastgate area, ways to address concerns about how PSE supports new development, questions about height increases in Crossroads, climate resilience and anti-displacement policies for small businesses.

Full details are available in the meeting materials. The council also discussed the BelRed Look Forward Comprehensive Plan Amendment, which the Planning Commission recommended for adoption. The amendment aims to increase capacity for housing and job growth and support an update of the subarea plan and future land use map designations for the BelRed area. This planning initiative took place at the same time as the Comprehensive Plan update. The council discussed challenges facing new development in BelRed, including local street grid and how to protect local streams, as well as strategies to mitigate displacement risks for small businesses.

Many of these items will be addressed in greater detail during the Land Use Code Amendment process. The council voted 4-3 to direct staff to return with an ordinance approving the proposed plan with updates recommended by council. Full details are available in the meeting materials.

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