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City of Atlanta’s Urban Development Corporation and Atlanta Public Schools Announce Landmark Agreement to Revitalize Surplus School Properties

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ATLANTA—The Atlanta Urban Development Corporation (AUDC) and Atlanta Public Schools (APS) announced a groundbreaking Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) to transform eight surplus school properties into community assets across the city of Atlanta. "This collaborative agreement with Atlanta Public Schools represents our city's commitment to turning underutilized spaces into vibrant hubs that will uplift and empower our neighborhoods," said Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens. "By leveraging the expertise of AUDC and the resources of APS, we will breathe new life into these properties and create opportunities that benefit all Atlanta residents. " The agreement outlines a framework for AUDC and APS to work together to redevelop former school sites, starting with APS’s Lakewood Heights and Peeples Street properties. The agreement establishes long-term leases for select sites and paves the way for future projects.

"This landmark partnership is a testament to what can be achieved when public entities come together with a shared vision for community impact," said AUDC President and CEO John Majors. "We are excited to leverage our development expertise to breathe new life into these surplus properties and create spaces that truly meet the needs of local residents. " APS Superintendent Dr. Bryan Johnson emphasized the district's commitment to collaboration and the interconnected nature of affordable housing and education. "As stewards of public resources, we have a responsibility to ensure our assets are used in the most impactful way possible," he said.

"This agreement with AUDC will allow us to transform underutilized school sites into vibrant community hubs that expand access to affordable housing for our families and students and improve the overall quality of life for Atlanta families. I appreciate the Atlanta Board of Education for recognizing that housing and education are the foundation of a strong society, and we are proud to work with the City to strengthen both for the benefit of our communities. ” The announcement kicks off a robust community engagement process, which will include stakeholder meetings, public forums, and presentations to local organizations. An RFQ Selection Committee with representatives from both AUDC and APS will oversee the selection of planning consultants to guide the redevelopment process.

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